Cognitivism or Connectivism
Cognitivism refers to the way in which we process information and the way in which knowledge is built.
Social Cognitivism refers to learning through observing and imitation (McCloud:2016). To be effective in learning in this way, a person must adapt and adjust that which they have learnt, but they must also believe in their ability to learn something for it to be effective.
If we study cognitive load theory, it is important to understand that there are three components to processing information (Mindtools:1996-2017):
Sensory memory
Working memory
Long-term memory
When a person is busy with a task, sensory memory allows that person to filter out unnecessary sensory information, for example if you are driving your car and focusing on the traffic, you might not notice that a building on your daily route has been painted a different colour. (Mindtools: 1996 - 2017).
Information is passed on from your sensory memory to your working memory and then some of this information is stored and some discarded (Mindtools 1996 – 2017) There is a limit to the amount of information that can be stored in the working memory (Sorden:2005). Approximately 5 to 9 items or chunks of information can be held in working memory at a time (Mindtools:1996-2005).
When a person is learning, the information is stored in the working memory until it has been processed to such a degree that it can be taken up into the long-term memory (Mindtools:1996-2005).
Connectivism is not a learning theory, but it refers to the way in which information is structured. It commonly refers to building networks of knowledge.
Because of technology and the sheer volume of knowledge a learner needs to function these days, they can no longer rely on actual knowledge or experience of a topic, but have to learn through other people’s experiences. We derive competence from forming connections (Siemens:2004).
In other words, we can use learning that doesn’t necessarily happen internally, it can be outside of ourselves, it can even be part of a database, but what becomes very important then is the connections to that learning and ability to retrieve that learning when necessary.
McCloud, S (2016) Bandura – Social Learning Theory. Retrieved from
Siemens, G (2004). Connectivism, a learning theory for the digital age. Retrieved from:
Sorden, S.D. (2005), A cognitive approach to instructional design for multimedia learning. Extract from Information Science Journal Volume 8
MindTools (1996 – 2005) Cognitive Load Theory, Helping people learn effectively. Retrieved from
Learning scenario for Cognitivism
I work with a number of different types of software in my role, including design packages, elearning packages, online-help packages and assessment software.
When I first started out, I had to learn Adobe Illustrator, which at the time, was not taught at the Universities in my country and graduates seldom had prior knowledge of the software package when starting a job. To assist me in learning the software, I was assigned a type of mentor (MKO) who would demonstrate to me how to perform a task, then coach me through the process and if I got stuck, I could always ask this person for further assistance. The same person would quality review my work, offering further learning opportunities. This is a good example of Cognitivism because I was learning through observation, but also with the assistance of an MKO.
When first introduced to a concept, I would learn from the visual and verbal ques (sensory memory) shared by my mentor. This would be converted into my working memory as I performed a task once or twice and as I repeatedly practised the skills I learnt, was converted to my long-term memory. I still today remember how to change obscure setting on this software package, even though I don’t use it as frequently anymore.
Learning scenario for Connectivism
Fast forward more than 10 years into my working career and I now work with a many more software packages on a daily basis. Due to my workload, it is impossible for me to know each software package as well as I did Adobe Illustrator in those early days, I also don’t necessarily have a MKO available that I can turn to for support, but I still need to be able to use the software effectively.
I make use of a network of users and experts using the same tools as I through communities of practise and online search functions. I also use tools like one-note to document tasks that I do not perform frequently, but that may have taken me some time to figure out so that I can refer back to that in the future. This is an example of Connectivism because I am no longer relying on my own ability to memorise everything, I accept that it is too much for me to remember and I use a network and databse to find this information.
When I work with a complicated system where it is important to understand the flow of information in order to use it effectively, I document that flow in a flowchart.